

TRIP 2000-2001

1 - Reservation for a train ticket in Russia
2 - Naushki : the border crossing from Russia to Mongolia

3 - Traditions in Mongolia

4 - Markets in South China

5 - Kicked off the bus in the mountains (Sichuan, China)

6 - The bus driver who tried to cheat us
      (Yining, Xinjiang, China)

7 - The forbiden valley (Xinjiang, China)

     8 - Difficult journeys
8.1 Laos : 12 hrs for 200 km
8.2 China : travelling by bus and by train
8.3 Pakistan : hot and cold on the way to Iran

TRIP 2005

1 - Toasting traditions in the Caucasus
2 - Day out in Iran
3 - Ashgabat : megalomaniac Turkmenbashi
4 - Across the Karakum desert in Turkmenistan
5 - Life in the jailoos in Kyrgyzstan
6 - Train rides in Kazakhstan
7 -The Russian administration
8 - The Russian militsia : "you have a present?"

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