Choses marrantes

Georgia : escape lane in a downhill section called "Wrecking Cul-de sac" (suppose it's correct in one sense...)

Russie : compagnie aérienne de Krasnoyarsk / airline based in Krasnoyarsk : KRAS-AIR

Turquie : marque d'eau minérale et de lait : PINAR

Iran : fake Coca-Cola named ARSO-COLA

Pakistan :

PRESTON UNIVERSITY is in Rawalpindi, not in Preston, Lancashire (England) where I studied

- Pakistan men : "How many brothers you have ?"
-Me : "I have one sister"
- Pakistan men, looking sorry : "no brothers ?"

-Little girl : "Please give me a pen"
-Me : "Sorry I don't have one"
-Little girl : "Please give me anything"

China : many funny bits here, normal it's the biggest country. Many of the following are examples of "chinglish", the result from word-to-word translation of Chinese into English. Although we should not take laugh at the Chinese since they make the effort to translate, we can have a little fun reading these. Some you can guess the meaning, others you just cannot....may be there isn't a meaning ("mei you" like they say).

  • From a book to learn English : China must open itself to the world
  • In a small town : Dr Zhuang clinic for complicated diseases
  • In a hotel, the most expensive room was called "magnificent room", the next one down the list was "OK room"
  • In many hotels, the form foreigners have to fill in is called "Registration form for passengers from boundary outside"
  • In museums or temples : Please don't the photo
  • On the doors in the train : Be discreet of crush injuries
  • Also in the train : Valuables, please don't lay aside
  • In a train station : Hall directory in duty
  • In Kashgar (about as far away from the sea as you can be) : Pacific ocean advertisement group / Sea wind restaurant
  • Near the Terra Cotta museum : Trip memory shop
  • Huashan sacred mountains, along the (paved) footpath : No walking while sightseeing, no sightseeing while walking / Be careful the safe /
  • The sun is setting above the storm picking rock. The place of Chenxiang split the rescue his morter (on a rock up the mountain)
  • On the road, near Kangding : Piggy criesoilt to Heaven
  • Sign in a small town : Tengchong tourist bureau propaganda (in Chinese the word for 'information' and 'propaganda' is the same.....)
  • In very big letters, on a wall in a big city : Be qualified citizens, build a sanitary city
  • In a bus, before setting off for a long bumpy ride on windy dirt roads, they gave a plastic bag with "This may be used for airsickness or for waste" written on it

-Me, pointing a bottle of water : "chinese : 'shui', Uighur ... ??"
-Uighur lady : "No !"

-Me : "Tomorrow I will go to Kunming."
-Chinese man : "No !"




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© Denis LeGourriérec
Merci de n'utiliser ni texte
ni photos sans mon accord
