Festivals et fêtes religieuses

concarneau filets bleus bagad

Concarneau (south coast of Brittany): a traditional breton music band called bagad
during the Festival des Filets Bleus (Blue Nets Festival)


concarneau filets bleus costumes bretons

Concarneau : traditional bretons costumes (festival des Filets Bleus)


pardon de quelven 15 aout

The statue of Mary and banners are carried during the procession at the Pardon of Quelven, Brittany. A Pardon is a typically Breton form of pilgrimage of very ancient origins. A Pardon occurs on the feast day of the patron saint of a church or chapel, in this case for Quelven the 15th August for Ste Mary's day.

"Intron Varia Guelven" (Our Lady Mary of Quelven)


la merce festival barcelona

Festival de la Mercé : Castellers (human castles) in Barcelona, Spain


semana santa celebrations

La Semana Santa (Mallorca, Spain)


buddha birthday celebrations

Tibetan monks performing the sacred dances on the occasion of
Buddha's birthday celebrations (Kangding, Tibetan regions of China)


fiesta de gracia carrer garnit

Fiesta de Gracia (Barcelona, Catalonia) : street decoration


fasching deutschland

Fasching, in Stuttgart (Germany)


saint patrick's day ireland

St Patrick's day in Cork, Ireland


24th June florence italy

Medieval parade on the 24th of June in Florence (Italy)


chinese new year china

Chinese New Year in Tonghai (Yunnan, south-west China)


turkey celebrations

some celebrations in Erzurum, Turkey


Valborg uppsala river race

Valborg or Walpurgis (30th April) in Uppsala (Sweden)
students build some rafts and race down the Fyris river


georgia celebrations

Gathering of a medieval society in Tbilissi, Georgia





© Denis LeGourriérec
Merci de n'utiliser ni texte
ni photos sans mon accord
