Bilder von Pakistan

Der Name Pakistan bedeutet 'Land der Reinen' in Urdu und Persisch. Der Norden von Pakistan (Urdu: پاکستان) ist eine wirklich wunderbare Ort zu besuchen, dank der Freundlichkeit der Menschen ('Du bist ein Gast in diesem Land, willkommen in Pakistan') und die Pracht der Bergwelt. Ich verbrachte zwei Monate insgesamt in Pakistan, vor allem in Hunza, Baltistan und um Chitral, wo es weniger heiß als auf Tiefland von Peshawar oder Rawalpindi-Islamabad wurde. Das Land ist die Heimat vieler verschiedener ethnischer Gruppen mit einer Anzahl von Sprachen. Urdu ist die lingua franca und viele Leute sprechen auch Englisch.

khunjerab pass

The Khunjerab Pass (4730 m) makes the border with Xinjiang (China)


landslide pakistan

Northern Areas : On the KKH (Karkorum Highway).
What is hanging above the Hunza river is all that is left from a truck that go burried under
a landslide a few days before I passed here. The driver and the cargo were saved but not the truck.
The dark colour of the river is due to the silt eroded by the glaciers.


pasu pakistan

Mountain scenery near Pasu



Hunza valley (Urdu: ہنزہ) : Baltit fort in Karimabad


ultar meadow

View from Ultar Meadow on the peaks Lady Finger (left, 6000 m)
and Ultar peak (right, 7300 m)


pakistan bridge

Bridge over the Hunza river
(more briges photos)



Minapin glacier (here about 3000 m, the summits are over 6000 m)



North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) : Sheikanandeh Nuristani village in Bumburet valley
(last village before the Afghan border in the Hindukush mountains)


pakistan truck

Trucks are very decorated by their proud owners



Baltistan (Urdu: بلتستان): terrassed fields viewed from a hill



Near the village of Khaplu (Baltistan), 40 km from the line of control with Indian Kashmir


satpara lake

Satpara Lake near Skardu


dir pakistan

A street in Dir at the time of local elections



Mosque in Chitral (Urdu: چترال)


swat valley

Swat valley (near Maydan)


Pakistan was part of the 2000-2001 trip

story : bus from Pakistan to Iran
read about this part of my trip

banknotes / billets de banque

anecdote : bus du Pakistan vers l'Iran
lire sur cette partie du voyage


                               previous : Xinjiang
next : Iran




  Länder Asiens

© Denis LeGourriérec
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